
GrnTek / Overview

The GrnTek Incubator focuses on providing the perfect environment for business development and growth. By partnering with local educational, business, and government leaders GrnTek Incubator shall remove all barriers to the successful deployment of great ideas.

We support our member
companies through:
GrnTek and Community Partners Resources
Office Space and Administrative Services
Venture Capital
Educational Seminars
Entrepreneurial Community
Development of Business Concept
Subject Matter Experts Onsite


GrnTek’s plan will detail the approach for participant selection, facilities, infrastructure, and mentoring, as well as the timelines that the incubator will monitor the participants for progress and success. Through this process, the GrnTek Incubator will free the entrepreneur from becoming sidetracked with the tedium of business operations, and focus on what they do best, develop and execute on ideas that move their business to success.

Did you know?

The GrnTek Incubator strives to create a location that entrepreneurs can come together, network, exchange ideas with each other and business experts. The Five+ Incubator removes the laborious and tedious, albeit valuable, barriers to business success and fosters the creative spirit. The end goal of the incubator is the growth and success of local businesses and, through this, the development of the community at large.


GrnTek Incubator is located 418 Wilkesboro Blvd. Wilkesboro, NC